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Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 70(3): e20230868, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535103


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the relationships between Internet addiction, smartphone addiction, sleep quality, and academic success. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, high-school students were surveyed to evaluate sleep quality, Internet addiction, and smartphone addiction. Students were queried about their demographics, and grade averages from the previous term were taken as an indicator of academic success. RESULTS: A total of 1,959 students were enrolled in this study, with 1,034 (52.8%) girls and 925 (47.2%) boys, and the median age of the participants was 16 (13-21) years. Multivariate analyses found that poor sleep quality in students who did not have breakfast before going to school was 1.58 times higher than those who did (p<0.001). Students who stayed in a dormitory had 1.79 times more poor sleep quality than those who stayed with their family, and a one-unit increase in the total score of the Young's Internet Addiction Test short form resulted in a 1.08-fold increase (both, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Our study has shown that students' sleep quality was predicted to be lower if they stayed in a dormitory and skipped breakfast. In addition, Internet and smartphone addictions have a negative effect on sleep quality and academic performance.

Estud. Psicol. (Campinas, Online) ; 41: e220032, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1550254


Objective Impulsivity has been robustly linked to various addictions, including behavioral addictions. This systematic review aimed to investigate possible relationships between impulsivity and gaming disorder. Method A total of 1,710 empirical studies, without date or language restrictions, were retrieved from Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PubMed, PsycNET, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. In total, 16 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included for extraction, quantitative analysis, and integrative synthesis. Results Overall, a positive association was observed between gaming disorder and both self-reported measures of impulsivity and behavioral measures of impulsivity. Gaming disorder was associated with the presence of high-risk trends, high sensitivity to rewards, reduced inhibitory control, and low self-control among video game players. Conclusion The present systematic review provides preliminary support for the robust association between impulsivity and gaming disorder. However, given the methodological heterogeneity in assessment instruments and statistical procedures, the identified association should be interpreted cautiously.

Objetivo A impulsividade tem estado fortemente ligada a vários tipos de dependência, incluindo as dependências comportamentais. Esta revisão sistemática visou investigar possíveis relações entre a impulsividade e o transtorno por jogos eletrônicos. Método Um total de 1.710 estudos empíricos, sem restrições de data ou linguagem, foram recuperados das bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PubMed, PsycNET, Scopus, e Web of Science. No total, 16 estudos preencheram os critérios de inclusão e foram incluídos para extração, análise quantitativa, e síntese integrativa. Resultados Observou-se uma associação positiva entre o transtorno por jogos eletrônicos e as medidas de impulsividade e de comportamento de impulsividade autorrelatadas. O transtorno por jogos eletrônicos foi associado à presença de tendências de alto risco, alta sensibilidade às recompensas, controle inibitório reduzido, e baixo autocontrole entre os jogadores. Conclusão A presente revisão fornece apoio preliminar para uma associação robusta entre a impulsividade e o transtorno por jogos eletrônicos. Contudo, dada a heterogeneidade metodológica nos instrumentos de avaliação e procedimentos estatísticos, esta associação deve ser interpretada com cautela.

Video Games , Systematic Review , Internet Addiction Disorder , Impulsive Behavior
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535446


Introducción: Los endocannabinoides son una diana en el tratamiento de la obesidad y se producen a partir de ácidos grasos esenciales, los derivados del ácido linoleico actúan como agonistas de los receptores cannabinoides tipo 1 (CB1), asimismo, los derivados del ácido linolénico ejercen efectos de antagonistas de dichos receptores, por lo cual se plantea que modificar el consumo dietario de los ácidos grasos omega 3 y 6 podría modular la activación del sistema endocannabinoide, lo que podría ser favorable para personas con adicción a la comida, considerando cómo este sistema promueve la actividad de las vías dopaminérgicas que se alteran en la adicción a sustancias psicoactivas. Objetivo: Analizar la correlación entre el puntaje de adicción a la comida por la escala mYFAS 2.0 y los niveles plasmáticos de ácido araquidónico en adultos con obesidad tras modular la ingesta de alimentos fuente de ácidos grasos esenciales. Metodología: Se desarrolló un estudio piloto con diseño de ensayo clínico cruzado en dos tiempos, en donde los participantes recibieron los tratamientos estándar y experimental, en estos se brindaron planes siguiendo recomendaciones para el manejo nutricional de la obesidad, adicionalmente, el tratamiento experimental contó con pautas para disminuir el consumo del Omega 6 y aumentar el consumo de Omega 3 para obtener una relación menor a 5:1 entre estos ácidos grasos. Resultados: Se observó una disminución significativa en el puntaje de adicción a la comida y los niveles plasmáticos de ácido araquidónico en los participantes tras recibir el tratamiento experimental, presentando una correlación directamente proporcional entre estas, por otro lado, el tratamiento estándar estuvo asociado a una correlación inversamente proporcional entre estos. Conclusiones: El descenso en las concentraciones plasmáticas del ácido araquidónico fue asociado a un menor puntaje en la escala mYFAS 2.0 de adicción a la comida en los participantes de este estudio tras su exposición al tratamiento experimental.

Introduction: Endocannabinoids are a target in obesity treatment and they are produced from the essential fatty acids, the metabolites of linoleic acid act as agonists of the cannabinoid receptors type 1 (CB1), likewise, the metabolites of the linolenic acid act as inverse agonists of such receptors, hence, it is proposed that modifying the dietary intake of the essential fatty acids (Omega 6 and 3) may modulate the activation of the endocannabinoid system, this could be favorable for people with food addiction, considering how this system promotes the activity of the dopaminergic pathways that are altered in the psychoactive substances addiction. Objective: To analyze the correlation between the food addiction score and plasmatic levels of arachidonic acid in adults with obesity following a modulation of the dietary intake of essential fatty acids n-6 and n-3 food sources. Methods: A pilot study was carried out with a two-period crossover clinical trial design, in which the participants received standard and experimental treatments, in these programs, plans were provided following guidelines for the nutritional management of obesity, in addition, the experimental treatment included recommendations to reduce the intake of linoleic acid and to increase the intake of linolenic acid to obtain a ratio lower to 5:1 between these fatty acids. Results: A significant decrease in the food addiction score and plasmatic levels of arachidonic acid was observed in the participants exposed to the experimental treatment, showing a directly proportional correlation, moreover, the standard treatment was associated to inverse correlations between these variables. Conclusion: The decrease in plasmatic arachidonic acid levels was associated with lower scores on the mYFAS 2.0 of food addiction in the participants of this study following their exposure to the experimental treatment.

Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 31: e76831, jan. -dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526172


Objetivo: compreender o processo de alta hospitalar de crianças dependentes de tecnologias por profissionais de unidades pediátricas e neonatais. Método: estudo descritivo com os profissionais da assistência à criança dependente de tecnologias de um Hospital Universitário entre julho e setembro de 2020. Os dados foram obtidos foram exportados para o software Iramuteq e interpretados à luz da teoria de análise de conteúdo. O estudo possui aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa. Resultados: a nuvem de palavras contextualizou e forneceu subsídios para a identificação de duas categorias: Compreensão da necessidade de trabalho em equipe para planejamento de alta hospitalar e percepção da necessidade de implementação de ferramentas como protocolos e fluxos para o direcionamento do preparo para alta e continuidade do cuidado. Conclusão: os profissionais referem que a alta hospitalar é realizada conforme a rotina assistencial e ainda segue um modelo medicalocêntrico.

Objective: to understand the process of hospital discharge of technology-dependent children by professionals from pediatric and neonatal units. Method: descriptive study with technology-dependent child care professionals at a University Hospital between July and September 2020. The data obtained was exported to the Iramuteq software and interpreted in light of content analysis theory. The study is approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Results: the word cloud contextualized and provided support for the identification of two categories: Understanding the need for teamwork to plan hospital discharge and perception of the need to implement tools such as protocols and flows to guide preparation for discharge and continuity of care. Conclusion: professionals report that hospital discharge is carried out according to the care routine and still follows a medical-centric model.

Objetivo: comprender el proceso de alta hospitalaria de niños dependientes de tecnología por parte de profesionales de unidades de pediatría y neonatología. Método: estudio descriptivo con los profesionales de cuidado al niño que depende de tecnologías en un Hospital Universitario, entre julio y septiembre de 2020. Los datos obtenidos se exportaron al software Iramuteq y se interpretaron a la luz de la teoría del análisis de contenido. El estudio es aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación. Resultados: la nube de palabras contextualizó y trajo subsidios para la identificación de dos categorías: comprensión de la necesidad de trabajo en equipo para planificar el alta hospitalaria y percepción de la necesidad de implementar herramientas como protocolos y flujos para orientar la preparación para el alta y la continuidad de la atención. Conclusión: los profesionales refieren que el alta hospitalaria se realiza según la rutina asistencial y sigue un modelo médico centrado.

Vínculo ; 20(2): 156-164, 20230000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532554


ntrodução: Os jogos eletrônicos são agora reconhecidos como um problema de saúde mental, especialmente entre a comunidade LGBTQIA+. Objetivo: explorar os efeitos do transtorno de jogo (gaming disorder) na população LGBTQIA+. Método: A revisão narrativa abordou hábitos de jogo e gaming disorder em minorias sexuais e de gênero, usando PubMed, Google Scholar, Embase e Web of Science. Das 1640 pesquisas, apenas 3 abordaram gaming disorder nessa população. Resultado: consumidores LGBTQ+ gastam mais em jogos digitais. Jogadores LGBTQIA+ consomem mais jogos de exploração de identidade, possivelmente relacionados ao estresse de minoria. Discussão: minorias sexuais têm maior risco de gaming disorder. Para indivíduos LGBTQIA+, os jogos podem servir como escape e plataforma de apoio, mas o uso problemático pode estar associado a desfechos psiquiátricos negativos. Conclusão: Os jogos online têm o potencial de serem ferramentas de apoio para minorias, no entanto, as evidências são limitadas. É necessária mais pesquisa para compreender melhor a relação entre o uso de jogos e a saúde mental da população LGBTQIA+.

ntroduction: Electronic games are now recognized as a mental health issue, especially within the LGBTQIA+ community. Objective: To explore the effects of gaming disorder in the LGBTQIA+ population. Method: The narrative review addressed gaming habits and gaming disorder in sexual and gender minorities, utilizing PubMed, Google Scholar, Embase, and Web of Science. Out of 1640 studies, only 3 focused on gaming disorder in this population. Result: LGBTQ+ consumers spend more on digital games. LGBTQIA+ players engage more in identity exploration games, possibly linked to minority stress. Discussion: Sexual minorities face a higher risk of gaming disorder. For LGBTQIA+ individuals, games can serve as an escape and support platform, but problematic use may be associated with negative psychiatric outcomes. Conclusion: Online games have the potential as support tools for minorities, but evidence is limited. Further research is needed to better understand the relationship between game use and mental health in the LGBTQIA+ population.

Introducción: Los videojuegos electrónicos son reconocidos actualmente como un problema de salud mental, especialmente dentro de la comunidad LGBTQIA+. Objetivo: Explorar los efectos del trastorno de juego (gaming disorder) en la población LGBTQIA+. Método: La revisión narrativa abordó los hábitos de juego y el gaming disorder en minorías sexuales y de género, utilizando PubMed, Google Scholar, Embase y Web of Science. De las 1640 investigaciones, solo 3 se centraron en el gaming disorder en esta población. Resultado: Los consumidores LGBTQ+ gastan más en juegos digitales. Los jugadores LGBTQIA+ consumen más juegos de exploración de identidad, posiblemente relacionados con el estrés de minoría. Discusión: Las minorías sexuales enfrentan un mayor riesgo de gaming disorder. Para los individuos LGBTQIA+, los juegos pueden servir como un escape y plataforma de apoyo, pero el uso problemático puede estar asociado con resultados psiquiátricos negativos. Conclusión: Los juegos en línea tienen el potencial como herramientas de apoyo para las minorías, pero la evidencia es limitada. Se requiere más investigación para comprender mejor la relación entre el uso de juegos y la salud mental en la población LGBTQIA+.

Humans , Male , Female , Patient Harm , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Internet Addiction Disorder , Technology Addiction
Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 16(4): 11389, out./dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518415


A dependência química é um fenômeno social complexo, pois envolve diferentes instituições e atores sociais no seu enfrentamento. O conhecimento da perspectiva das pessoas que sofrem desse transtorno e buscam tratamento é de fundamental importância para a produção de evidências científicas visando à elaboração de políticas públicas. Analisar as percepções sobre a dependência química de pacientes em tratamento do transtorno por uso de substâncias psicoativas. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório em que foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com pacientes internados em uma unidade de internação especializada no tratamento da dependência química em um hospital universitário de alta complexidade no Sul do Brasil. Mediante a análise de conteúdo de Bardin, construíram-se quatro categorias analíticas para a compreensão das percepções sobre este problema na perspectiva dos pacientes: (1) Buscando tratamento, (2) Causas da dependência química, (3) Perdas e ganhos associados ao uso de substâncias psicoativas e (4) Ter uma vida saudável. Observaram-se quais motivos e causas apresentaram uma relação de complementaridade, na medida em que as causas do início do uso também foram os motivos para buscar tratamento. Além disso, identificou-se que os participantes reconheceram utilidade no uso de substâncias psicoativas, com predomínio das perdas sobre os ganhos, demonstrando que este é um ponto importante de ser abordado em ações de educação em saúde com essa população.

Many institutions and social actors are involved in the struggle against addiction, making it a complex social phenomenon. Knowledge about the perspective of those who suffer this type of disorder and seek treatment is essential to produce scientific evidence to elaborate public policies. To analyze perceptions about chemical dependency of patients being treated for disorder associated with psychoactive substances. This is a qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory study. We carried out semi-structured interviews with patients hospitalized in a unit specialized in treating addiction from a high-complexity teaching hospital in the south of Brazil. Using Bardin's content analysis, we created four analytical categories to understand the perceptions about this problem, from the perspective of patients: (1) Seeking treatment; (2) Causes of addiction; (3) Pros and cons of using psychoactive substances; and (4) Leading a healthy life. We observed which motives and causes were complementary, as the causes for starting the use of these substances were the same causes for seeking treatment. Furthermore, participants believed psychoactive substances had some utility, though there were more disadvantages than advantages. This is an important element to address in actions of education in health when dealing with this population.

Gac. méd. Méx ; 159(5): 426-433, sep.-oct. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534470


Resumen Antecedentes: El concepto de adicción a la comida describe las dificultades de algunos individuos respecto al consumo de comida. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de la adicción a la comida y su asociación con el índice de masa corporal (IMC), consumo de calorías y control terapéutico en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DMT2) de diagnóstico reciente. Material y: métodos: Se incluyeron 1080 pacientes con DMT2. Se determinó el grado de control terapéutico con niveles de hemoglobina glicada, colesterol de baja densidad y presión arterial. El consumo diario de calorías fue estimado con un cuestionario semicuantitativo de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos. Resultados: Casi todos los pacientes mostraron sobrepeso (40.5 %) y obesidad (49.1 %). La frecuencia de adicción a la comida fue de 54.2 % (56.9 % en mujeres y 48.9 % en hombres). La adicción a la comida se asoció a IMC (RM = 1.89, p ≤ 0.05), alto consumo calórico (RM = 1.14, p ≤ 0.05) y hemoglobina glicada > 7 % (RM = 1.43, p ≤ 0.05). Conclusiones: La adicción a la comida es frecuente en pacientes con sobrepeso/obesidad y DMT2 recientemente diagnosticada y se asocia al consumo calórico superior a lo recomendado, grado de obesidad y pobre control terapéutico.

Abstract Background: The concept of food addiction describes the difficulties of some individuals with regard to food consumption. Objective: To determine the frequency of food addiction and its association with body mass index (BMI), calorie consumption and therapeutic control in patients with newly-diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Material and methods: A total of 1,080 patients with T2DM were included. The degree of metabolic control was determined with the levels of glycated hemoglobin, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and blood pressure. Daily caloric consumption was estimated with a semi-quantitative questionnaire of food consumption frequency. Results: Nearly all patients showed overweight (40.5 %) and obesity (49.1 %). The frequency of food addiction was 54.2 % (56.9 % in women and 48.9 % in men). Food addiction was associated with BMI (OR = 1.89, p ≤ 0.05), high caloric intake (OR = 1.14, p ≤ 0.05) and glycated hemoglobin > 7 % (OR = 1.43, p ≤ 0.05) Conclusions: Food addiction is common in patients with overweight/obesity and newly-diagnosed T2DM, and is associated with higher-than-recommended caloric consumption, obesity degree and poor metabolic control.

Interaçao psicol ; 27(1): 1-11, jan.-abr. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512621


O abuso de substâncias psicoativas pela mulher no período pré-natal tem chamado a atenção para a necessidade de práticas de cuidado materno-neonatal que sejam culturalmente competentes. Desta forma, este estudo teve como objetivo relatar limitações e potencialidades de cuidado transcultural ao binômio mãe usuária de álcool ou outras drogas e seu neonato, observadas no dia a dia da maternidade. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de natureza exploratória, descritiva, com perspectiva etnográfica sobre o cuidado prestado ao binômio mãe usuária de álcool ou outras drogas e seu neonato, realizada entre 2018 e 2020 em maternidades. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de observação participante e entrevistas às puérperas e profissionais de saúde, discutindo-os à luz da Teoria de Madeleine Leininger. As limitações e potencialidades do cuidado focaram no acolhimento, na comunicação entre os profissionais e as pacientes, na identificação de sinais de dependência e abstinência na puérpera, nas orientações em saúde e na rotina de avaliação neonatal. A compreensão cultural e o vínculo etnográfico permitiram uma relação de confiança, de busca de conhecimento e de construção coletiva para o efetivo cuidado culturalmente congruente frente às limitações encontradas.

The abuse of psychoactive substances by women during the prenatal period has called attention to the need for culturally competent maternal-neonatal care practices. Thus, this study aimedto report limitations and potentialities of cross-cultural care to the binomial mother who uses alcohol or other drugs and her newborn, observed in the daily life of the maternity ward. It is qualitative research of exploratory, descriptive nature, with ethnographic perspective on the care provided to the binomial mother who uses alcohol or other drugs and her newborn, conducted between 2019 to 2020 in maternity hospitals. The data were obtained through participant observation and interviews to puerperae and health professionals, discussing them in the light of Madeleine Leininger's Theory. The limitations and potentialities of care focused on the reception, communication between professionals and patients, identification of signs of dependence and abstinence in puerperae, health guidelines, and routine neonatal evaluation. The cultural understanding and the ethnographic bond allowed a relationship of trust, search for knowledge, and collective construction for the effective culturally congruent care in face of the limitations found.

Interaçao psicol ; 27(1): 62-70, jan.-abr. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512628


Considerando que as práticas clínicas se baseiam tanto em conhecimentos científicos como em crenças e valores nem sempre conscientes, este estudo objetiva investigar o imaginário coletivo de profissionais de saúde mental sobre o paciente psiquiátrico, na perspectiva da psicologia psicanalítica concreta. Justifica-se, portanto, desde o interesse em aperfeiçoar a qualidade do atendimento, tendo em vista tanto o benefício dos pacientes, como a melhoria das condições de exercício profissional. A partir de uma entrevista psicológica coletiva, articulada ao redor do uso do Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias com Tema, abordamos sete profissionais de nível superior que trabalham em equipamento de saúde mental. A consideração do material permitiu a produção interpretativa de dois campos de sentido afetivo-emocional: "Sofredores psicóticos" e "Impostores dependentes". O quadro geral apresenta a coexistência de visões solidárias e éticas diante do psicótico com visões preconceituosas e hostis em relação ao dependente químico. Esse contraste se baseia sobretudo na dificuldade em perceber que a base motivacional do uso da droga seria o sofrimento emocional. Como um todo, esse cenário permite pensar que a reforma psiquiátrica gerou transformações que promovem acolhimento, mas que ainda permanecem estigmas a serem superados.

Considering that clinical practices are based both on scientific knowledge and on beliefs and values that are not always conscious, this study aims to investigate the collective imagination of mental health professionals about the psychiatric patient, from the perspective of psychoanalytic concrete psychology. The importance of this study lies on the interest in improving the quality of care, considering both the benefit of patients and the improvement of professional practice conditions. Based on a collective psychological interview, articulated around the use of the Thematic Story-Drawing Procedure, we approached seven higher education professionals who work in mental health service. Consideration of the material allowed the interpretative production of two affective-emotional fields of meaning: "Psychotic sufferers" and "Dependent impostors". The overall picture shows the coexistence of sympathetic and ethical views toward the mentally psychotic with prejudiced and hostile views toward the drug-dependent. This contrast is mainly based on the difficulty in realizing that the motivational basis for drug use would be emotional suffering. As a whole, this scenario allows us to conclude that the psychiatric reform has brought about transformations that promote acceptance, but that stigmas to be overcome still remain.

Salud UNINORTE ; 39(2)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536850


Introducción: La tecnodependencia es un fenómeno en aumento que podría intensificar riesgos psicosociales como el tecnoestrés y la tecnoadicción, los cuales están asociados al deterioro de la salud y a consecuencias negativas para las organizaciones. Objetivo: Analizar el papel de la tecnodependencia en el tecnoestrés y la tecnoadicción en trabajadores de Colombia y México. Materiales y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio con una estrategia asociativa, predictiva, que contó con 1137 participantes (nacionalidad colombiana = 46 % y nacionalidad mexicana = 54 %). Se utilizó una ficha de datos sociodemográficos y laborales, las escalas de medición de tecnodependencia, tecnoestrés y tecnoadicción. Para el análisis de los datos se realizó un modelo de senderos. Resultados: La generación muda (r = 151), el uso compulsivo del celular (r = 384), el phub-bing (r = 312) y el uso del celular al conducir (r = -0.21) presentaron una relación positiva con el uso excesivo de las tecnologías y una influencia directa en su uso compulsivo. Se concluye que la tecnodependencia cumple un papel predictor del tecnoestrés, y especialmente de la tecnoadicción, en trabajadores colombianos y mexicanos. Es fundamental monitorear el comportamiento de estos riesgos psicosociales emergentes asociados a la tecnología, dadas las implicaciones que tiene en la salud de las personas, sobre todo en el contexto de pandemia.

Introduction: Tech dependence is a growing phenomenon that could intensify psychosocial risks such as technostress and tech addiction, which are associated with health deterioration and negative consequences for organizations. Objective: To analyze the role of tech dependence in technostress and tech addiction in workers in Colombia and Mexico. Materials and methods: A study with an associative, predictive strategy was conducted with 1,137 participants (Colombian nationality = 46% and Mexican nationality = 54 %). A sociodemographic and occupational data sheet was used, as well as scales to measure techno dependence, technostress, and tech addiction. A path model was used for data analysis. Results: Mute generation (r =151), compulsive cell phone use (r =384), phubbing (r=312), and cell phone use while driving (r =-0.21) presented a positive relationship with the excessive use of technologies and have a direct influence on their compulsive use. It is concluded that tech dependence plays a predictive role in technostress, especially tech addiction in Colombian and Mexican workers. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the behavior of these emerging psychosocial risks associated with technology, given the implications on people's health, especially in the context of a pandemic.

Medisan ; 27(4)ago. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1514567


Introducción: Hoy en día las enfermedades no transmisibles constituyen un grave problema que afecta el estado de salud de la población, con una tendencia ascendente preocupante. Objetivo: Identificar los factores predisponentes a las enfermedades no transmisibles en pacientes de un área de salud. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de 286 individuos, escogidos a través de un muestreo aleatorio bietápico en el área de salud Josué País García del municipio de Santiago de Cuba, durante el 2021. Las variables analizadas fueron antecedentes patológicos personales, consumo de productos del tabaco y alcohol, hábitos dietéticos y evaluación nutricional. Se utilizaron como medidas de resumen las frecuencias absolutas, el porcentaje y la tasa de prevalencia para variables cualitativas; la media aritmética y el mínimo e intervalo de confianza para variables cuantitativas. Resultados: El mayor riesgo de presentar hipertensión arterial figuró en las féminas (35,6 %) y existió alta prevalencia de fumadores en hombres (30,5 %) y mujeres (27,7 %). Asimismo, predominaron la exposición al humo de tabaco (fumadores pasivos) y el consumo de alcohol en edades tempranas (25-34 años). De los encuestados, 33,3 % resultó estar sobrepeso u obeso. Conclusiones: Los factores predisponentes a las enfermedades no transmisibles pudieran estar asociados con estilos de vida no saludables como el consumo de productos del tabaco y el alcohol, los hábitos dietéticos inadecuados y el sobrepeso.

Introduction: Nowadays non-communicable diseases are a serious problem that affects the health of the population, with a worrying upward tendency. Objective: To identify the predisposing factors to non-communicable diseases in patients from a health area. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study of 286 individuals, chosen by a two-stage random sampling in Josué País García health area from Santiago de Cuba municipality, was carried out during 2021. The analyzed variables were personal pathological history, consumption of tobacco and alcohol products, dietary habits and nutritional evaluation. The absolute frequencies, percentage and prevalence rate were used as summary measures for qualitative variables; the arithmetic mean and the minimum and interval of confidence were used for quantitative variables. Results: The highest risk of presenting hypertension was in females (35.6%) and there was a high prevalence of smokers in men (30.5%) and women (27.7%). Also, the exposure to tobacco smoke (passive smokers) and alcohol consumption at an early age (25-34 years) prevailed. Of those interviewed, 33.3% was overweight and obese. Conclusions: The predisposing factors to non-communicable diseases could be associated with the non healthy lifestyle as the consumption of tobacco and alcohol products, inadequate dietary habits and overweight.

Tobacco Use Disorder , Alcoholism , Noncommunicable Diseases , Nutrition Assessment , Diet
Licere (Online) ; 26(02): 199-228, jul.2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512024


O trabalho objetiva conhecer como profissionais de equipe multidisciplinar se utilizam do lazer para tratamento e (re)educação de pessoas com transtornos por uso de subtâncias psicoativas. Ocorreu estudo de caso, no Hotel Fazenda e Clínica X, onde participaram de entrevistas semiestruturadas trabalhadores de diversas especialidades. Artigos selecionados em quatro revistas de envergadura nacional estruturadas por universidades federais no Brasil ­ Licere (UFMG); RBEL(UFMG); Motrivivência (UFSC) e Movimento(UFRGS) ­ auxiliaram nas reflexões realizadas, além de autores clássicos que tratam de lazer, drogas e educação não formal. Restou evidenciado que o lazer ocupa função de destaque no tratamento da adicção de psicoativos porque viabiliza socialização e mudança positiva de comportamento das pessoas em tratamento; contribui ao autocuidado e controle da ansiedade dentre outros.

The objective of this work is to know how professionals from a multidisciplinary team use leisure for the treatment and (re)education of people with disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances. A case study took place at Hotel Fazenda and Clínica X, where workers from different specialties participated in semistructured interviews. Articles selected in four magazines of national scale structured by federal universities in Brazil ­ Licere (UFMG); RBEL(UFMG); Motrivivência (UFSC) and Movimento (UFRGS) ­ helped in the reflections carried out, in addition to classic authors who deal with leisure, drugs and non-formal education. It remained evident that leisure occupies a prominent role in the treatment of psychoactive addiction because it enables socialization and a positive change in the behavior of people undergoing treatment; contributes to self-care and anxiety control, among others.

Self Care , Substance-Related Disorders/prevention & control , Substance-Related Disorders/therapy
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221462


Digital gaming addiction has become a growing concern among adolescents, with potential gender differences in prevalence, risk factors, and consequences. The aims of the study to provide an outcome of existing tools on digital gaming addiction among adolescents, focusing specifically on gender differences. By examining key tools, the study explores the prevalence of gaming addiction among male and female adolescents, gender-related risk factors, and the differential impact of gaming addiction on various domains of well-being. The findings highlight the importance of considering gender-specific factors in understanding and addressing digital gaming addiction among adolescents.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 66(3): 8-26, may.-jun. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514811


Resumen El opio y sus derivados, y recientemente los opioides, han acompañado a la humanidad desde las civilizaciones más antiguas hasta la actualidad. Sus efectos analgésicos, hipnóticos y placenteros no pasaron desapercibidos para los antiguos, los consideraron de utilidad médica y beneficiosa para el estado de ánimo. Hoy en día no existe otro tipo de medicamentos que puedan tratar el dolor más intenso tan eficientemente como estos potentes analgésicos. Sin embargo, el uso médico y recreativo de los opiáceos y los opioides conlleva riesgos para la salud, como la tolerancia, la hiperalgesia y la adicción. Actualmente, además de ser indiscutiblemente el tratamiento médico más poderoso para mitigar el sufrimiento ocasionado por el dolor, se ha convertido también en un problema de salud pública debido a la alta cantidad de personas con trastorno por uso de opioides y por las muertes ocasionadas por sobredosis. En esta revisión se hará mención de las bondades de los opiáceos y opioides, y también de los efectos no deseados que estos producen.

Abstract Opium and its derivatives, and recently the opioids have accompanied the humankind since the ancient civilizations to the present day. Its analgesic, hypnotic and pleasant effects did not go unnoticed by ancient people, which considered most of these effects of medical utility and noticed that they had remarkable mood benefits. Currently, there are no other kind of drugs that can palliate intense pain as efficiently as these powerful analgesics. However, the medical and recreational use of opiates and opioids may carry health risks such as tolerance, hyperalgesia, and addiction. Nowadays, in addition to being indisputably the most powerful medical treatment to alleviate the suffering caused by pain, it has also become a public health problem due to the high number of people with opioid use disorder that have facilitated deaths caused by opioids overdose. In this review we will discuss the medical benefits of opiates and opioids, as much as the unwanted effects they produce.

Rev. invest. clín ; 75(3): 158-168, May.-Jun. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515318


ABSTRACT The tobacco epidemic has been one of the biggest public health threats, and smoking is one of the world's largest preventable causes of premature death. An estimated 15.4% of all deaths in the world are attributable to tobacco smoking. The present review aims to describe addiction to tobacco smoking and vaping. Tobacco and vaping devices contain nicotine, a highly addictive drug, which explains why smoking is so prevalent and persistent. Electronic cigarettes are a group of novel nicotine or tobacco products that have rapidly gained popularity in recent years. Electronic cigarette devices allow for the use of other drugs, including THC, while the lax regulation may allow for the introduction of toxic compounds that can lead to acute or subacute toxicity, such as the e-cigarette- or vaping-associated lung injury that has been linked to vitamin E acetate. In addition, regular vapers and heated tobacco devices emit toxins, although at lower concentrations than burned tobacco. However, more and more side effects have been identified. No new effective treatment for nicotine addiction has been developed recently, despite its huge adverse impact on overall health and other outcomes. As for the primary line of medications, the last one started in 2006, the varenicline, demonstrating a low interest in developing new medications against smoking, an unacceptable state of affairs, given the huge impact of smoking on morbidity and mortality.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221892


Introduction: Repeated use of social network is said to cause addiction. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is disorder found in childhood. Studies have shown that such children continue to have the symptoms of ADHD as adults. The aim of this study was to find the prevalence of social networking addiction and Internet addiction and their relationship with ADHD. Also, to assess the relationship between perceived stress and sociodemographic factors with social networking and internet addiction. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 150 undergraduate and postgraduate students of BMCRI after ethical clearance. Medical students who gave consent were included through stratified random sampling. Those who were taking treatment for psychiatric illness were excluded. Scales like the Young Internet addiction test (IAT); Bergen’s Facebook Reporting Scale, ADHD Self-Reporting Scale, and Wender Utah Brief Rating Scale for ADHD, and Cohen Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) for perceived stress have been used. Results: The mean age was found to be 21.56 ± 3 years. 62.6% were males and 37.33% of were females. The prevalence of Internet addiction was found to be 23.3% (n = 35), with 2% (n = 3) were having severe addiction, 6.6% (n = 10) were having moderate Internet and 14.6% (n = 22) having mild internet addiction according to modified Young’s criteria (2011). The prevalence of social networking addiction as per the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS) score was 4.66% and adult ADHD was 15%. There was a strong positive correlation (0.76) between Internet Addiction and Facebook addiction scores and between BFAS score and IAT score. A moderate positive correlation (0.46 and 0.47) between Internet addiction and Facebook addiction with perceived stress and ADHD and IAT score with PSS score and ASRS score, weak positive correlation with PSS score and ASRS score was observed. Conclusion: A significant proportion of medical students develop Internet addiction and minority develops social network addiction. Furthermore, perceived stress and ADHD scores are positively correlated with internet and social networking addiction.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218107


Background: The use of smart phone is very common specially in young individuals. Excessive use leads to smart phone addiction, which may have harmful effect on the health of individuals. Aims and Objectives: The aim of our study is to assess the smart phone usage in 1st-year medical students. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we have included 187 students from 1st-year MBBS. Out of which 125 (66.84%) are boys and 62 (33.16%) are girls in age group of 18–22 years. All the data were collected in Google form. We have used smart phone addiction scale long version. The Google form was filled by students who are willing to participate in this study. Result: We have found that out of total 187 students, 96 (51.34%) students having high smart phone use, out of which 68 (54.40%) are boys and 28 (45.16%) are girls while 91 (48.66%) students having low smart phone use, out of which 57 (45.60%) are boys and 34 (54.84%) are girls. Conclusion: The high smart phone usages present in the student can be prevented by specific intervention programs at college level.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222126


Adolescents (children aged 11-19 years) are at the greatest peril when it comes to use of smart gadgets. These gadgets are essential for literacy and development, but also have the potential to cause addiction and other unwanted effects. Finding the right balance is the key. Thus, there is a considerable need to devise, enlist and convey to parents, various hacks and heuristics that can be used by them to optimize the use of smart gadgets by their teenager children. This communication should prove helpful for all health care professionals who are directly or indirectly involved in adolescent health care.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 7-23, abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430584


Resumen La investigación moderna, tanto en humanos como preclínica, que utiliza modelos animales indica que fumar durante la edad adolescente resulta en cambios cerebrales y psicológicos a corto y largo plazo en el fumador, así como en un aumento significativo en los riesgos de desarrollar adicción al tabaco durante la vida. Por lo tanto, en la presente revisión narrativa se describirán y profundizarán los hallazgos investigativos modernos de la psicobiología de la adolescencia y los efectos del tabaco en el desarrollo, con un énfasis particular en la comprensión de los efectos psicológicos y cerebrales del consumo de tabaco durante la adolescencia, tanto a corto como a largo plazo. Se considerarán de manera detallada los avances investigativos sobre la psicobiología de la adolescencia y sus riesgos en las adicciones desde los aspectos: conductual, cognitivo, reactividad al estrés y psicobiología. Sobre esta base, se revisará la investigación sobre la psicobiología de la adolescencia y la evidencia de vulnerabilidad a la adicción durante esta etapa. Al final, se abordarán los efectos del tabaco en el cerebro y conducta durante el desarrollo adolescente y vida posterior, ya que se ha encontrado evidencia relacionada con alteraciones cerebrales crónicas en los sistemas colinérgicos y regiones cerebrales asociadas con la dependencia de la nicotina. Se espera que la revisión y divulgación de esta información en el idioma español sea de valor para la comprensión de los problemas de vulnerabilidad y predisposiciones a la adicción al tabaco en el contexto de Latinoamérica.

Abstract Tobacco use and its harmful health-related problems have become one of the largest modern preventable public health issues. Current research strongly suggests that smoking during adolescence enhances addictive smoking behaviors during life, which can be related to adolescence as a critical ontogenetic period characterized by behaviors that can increase the probability of risk-related behaviors such as sensation and novelty seeking. Adolescent development is also a period of maturation of frontal and subcortical neural systems, brain changes that underlie higher impulsivity tendencies to promote adequate learning and adaptations necessary to succeed the novel challenges of the adult life, but those changes also enhance vulnerabilities to the addictive effects of drugs. Consistent with this, tobacco use affects brain development processes which underlie long-term psychobiological alterations and the enhanced risks for tobacco addiction during adult life. Thus, the present review describes current psychobiological approaches to understand general addiction processes and tobacco addiction, highlighting the behavioral and neural short-term effects of tobacco use during adolescence and its long-term effects during adulthood. Current research has advanced on four aspects for the understanding of both the psychobiology of adolescent development and the effects of drugs of abuse during this time. The first aspect is behavioral, as adolescence is related to important changes on motivational and emotional behaviors such as sensation seeking. Other important behavioral changes are social approach, a higher variety of opportunity for personal choices, and development of personal independence. Research on a second aspect has focused on cognition. A review of research is presented showing enhanced abilities during adolescence development for reading, abstract and logical thinking, and novel problem solving. Stress reactivity is the third aspect of reviewed psychobiological mechanisms. The stress biological system undergoes important changes during adolescence, including changes on stress-related hormones and neural architecture. An important issue is that exposure to early and/or chronic stressful circumstances during adolescence could be related to higher risk to the start and maintenance of addiction states, as suggested by research assessing the disruptive effects of stress on psychobiological homeostatic processes needed to maintain stable biological and emotional regulation. The fourth aspect is psychobiology. In this section research is reviewed related to the development of monoaminergic brain circuits underlying motivation, novelty-seeking, impulsivity, and addiction processes. Using as model the previous review integration, the effects of nicotine are discussed, the essential addictive component of tobacco, on the neurochemical systems underlying tobacco addiction. Following this, important research is introduced that describes psychobiological changes during adolescence and evidence of vulnerability to addiction during this life stage. Then, current research on both short-term and long-term effects of tobacco or nicotine administration during adolescence on the brain, behavior, and cognition is introduced. The current research advances and discussions on the psychobiology of addictions in general, and tobacco addiction in particular, have been possible to a large extent from the use of animal models and preclinical research, since animal models have become crucial to identify learning, motivational, emotional, and cognitive mechanisms that underlie addictive processes, and making possible to perform experimental procedures to discover the functioning and participation of biological components. One example of such components is the cholinergic system, which is activated by nicotine and is part of the neurochemical machinery on different brain areas important for both tobacco addiction and adolescence development such as the dorsal striatum, amygdala, ventral tegmental area, nucleus accumbens, prefrontal cortex, and hippocampus. The present review and research divulgation written in Spanish are expected to clarify modern research on addiction and encourage current scientific education on the vulnerabilities and predispositions for tobacco abuse in Latin-American countries.

Pediatr. (Asuncion) ; 50(1)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431035


Introducción: la adicción a sustancias ilícitas constituye un problema de salud pública, del cual no están exentas las embarazadas. Los efectos deletéreos sobre el feto pueden tener consecuencias catastróficas. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de uso de drogas ilícitas en mujeres gestantes y caracterizar a estas mujeres y sus recién nacidos de julio de 2020 a julio de 2021. Material y método: Estudio transversal, descriptivo, observacional con madres con sospecha de uso de drogas y sus recién nacidos (RN). Se buscó asociación entre variables estudiadas. Se utilizó escala de Finnegan para síndrome de abstinencia neonatal (SAN) y se determinó presencia de drogas en orina. Resultados: Fueron incluidos 107 binomios madres -hijos. Prevalencia de madres adictas de 11,42%. Edad promedio de madres 24,5 años y 29,9% en situación calle. 70% fueron partos vaginales, 90,5% con APGAR de 7-10. 26,1% fueron RN prematuros. RCIU 34,5%, PEG 35,5%. 93,3% mujeres se autorreportó como consumidora, 57,9% tuvo control prenatal nulo. 56% de gestantes presentó signos evidentes de ser consumidora de drogas ilícitas al ingreso. La droga más consumida fue la cocaína (COC) 85%. Detección de cocaína en RN fue 81,3%. SAN en 24,2% RN. Se encontró Cocaína en la orina de 18/26 de los pacientes con SAN, y en 64/77 de los pacientes sin síndrome de abstinencia. Tuvo Lues el 25,9%. Se encontró asociación de SAN con la presencia de COC en el RN. Conclusiones: el consumo de drogas en la embarazada expone al RN a drogas deletéreas, siendo la droga más frecuentemente consumida la COC. La prevalencia de SAN fue baja, encontrándose asociación entre esta entidad y la presencia de COC en RN.

Introduction: Addiction to illicit substances constitutes a public health problem, from which pregnant women are not exempt. The deleterious effects on the fetus can have catastrophic consequences. Objective: To determine the frequency of illicit drug use in pregnant women and to characterize these women and their newborns during the time period from July 2020 to July 2021. Materials and methods: this was a cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study with mothers suspected of drug use and their newborns (NBs). An association was sought between the studied variables. The Finnegan scale for neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) was used and the presence of drugs in urine was determined. Results: 107 mother-child pairs were included. The prevalence of addicted mothers was 11.42%. Average age of mothers was 24.5 years and 29.9% were living on the street. 70% were vaginal deliveries, 90.5% with an APGAR score of 7-10. 26.1% were premature newborns. IUGR 34.5%, SGA 35.5%. 93.3% women self-reported as drug consumers, 57.9% had zero prenatal control. 56% of pregnant women presented obvious signs of being an illicit drug user upon admission. The most consumed drug was cocaine (COC), 85%. Detection of cocaine in newborns was 81.3%. NAS was diagnosed in 24.2% NB. Cocaine was found in the urine of 18/26 of the patients with NAS, and in 64/77 of the patients without withdrawal syndrome. 25.9% had Lues. An association of NAS with the presence of COC in the newborn was found. Conclusions: drug use in pregnant women exposes the newborn to deleterious drugs, COC being the most frequently used drug. The prevalence of NAS was low, although we found an association between NAS and the presence of COC in newborns.